Past Events
Selected Articles
Evolutionary Debunking Arguments against Theism, Reconsidered
Theological Anthropology and the Cognitive Sciences
Totuuden jälkeistä aikaa ei ole ollut eikä tule
Human Nature(s): Human Nature at the Crossroads of Conflicting Interests
Human Nature: Don't Be so Sure You're Right about It
Unohdettu vaihtoehto? Tahdonvapauden ja determinismin yhteensopivuus
Free Will, Moral Responsibility and the Science: A Brief Overview
What Does Theology Have to Do With Evidence? Exploring Analytic Theology and Epistemology
Tolerance or Recognition? What Can We Expect?
Miksi edes vaivautua miettimään onko tahto vapaa?
Cognition, Brain and Religious Experience: A Critical Analysis
Olenko aivot ja jos olen, mitä se voisi tarkoittaa?
The Cognitive Science of Religion: A Modified Theist Response
Can Religious Belief Be Explained Away?: Reasons and Causes of Religious Belief