Aku Visala

Philosophy, Theology and the Cognitive Sciences

Aku Visala
Research Fellow of the Finnish Academy

Aku Visala, PhD (University of Helsinki) is a philosopher of religion whose work is located at the intersection of philosophy, theological anthropology and the cognitive sciences. He is currently an adjunct professor in philosophy of religion and Research Fellow of the Finnish Academy at the University of Helsinki, Finland. He has held postdoctoral positions at the universities of Oxford, Princeton and Notre Dame. His publications include Naturalism, Theism and the Cognitive Study of Religion (Routledge 2011), Conversations on Human Nature (Routledge 2015) and Verbs, Bones, and Brain: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Nature (co-edited with Agustin Fuentes, University of Notre Dame Press 2017). Aku is currently working on a five-year project (2016-2021) on free will and science.


Past Events

Uskonto luonnontieteen tutkimuskohteena: mahdollisuudet, rajat ja seuraukset

Veritas Forum -tilaisuus Helsingin yliopistolla, keskustelijoina Aku Visala ja Tomi Kokkonen, moderaattorina Sami Pihlström

Synnyttääkö uskonto väkivaltaa?

Veritas Forum -tilaisuus Oulun yliopistolla, keskustelijoina Aku Visala ja Anas Hajjar

Here you can reach me

Aku Visala

  • Adjunct Professor, University of Helsinki